
6 Tips for a Healthy Vacation

Balancing wellness and wanderlust.

4 min read

Everyone is different when it comes to their idea of the perfect vacation. Some like to chill by the beach for a week and completely switch off from the world, whilst others build up about 100,000 steps in a week just from exploring! Whichever your vibe is, maintaining a healthy lifestyle when on vacation can be challenging. Your routine gets out of whack and whilst it's ok to let loose to a degree - it’s important to find a balance so that you don’t return home more burnt out than when you left!

By taking a mindful approach and a little bit of extra planning, you can enjoy your travels without compromising your well-being. Here are some practical tips to help ensure your health doesn’t take a hit during your vacation, ensuring you return home feeling rejuvenated and ready to get back at it!

1. Prioritize Healthy Eating

One of the biggest challenges while traveling is maintaining a balanced diet. Those local street food vendors can be seriously tempting and of course you should give them a try, but moderation is key. Make sure you’re prepared for the day by having some healthy snacks on hand if you’re out and about. This will stop the dreaded munchies from making you succumb to that second helping.. or thirds! Sipping on a Super Greens shake is a great way to curb any hunger pangs and keep your energy up if you’re doing a lot of sight-seeing and constantly on the go.

2. Stay Hydrated

You know you need to drink more water. We all need to drink more water. But this applies even more when you’re in a warmer climate. Hydration is essential for maintaining energy levels and overall health, especially when traveling. Start your day with a glass of water and a slice of lemon and carry a reusable water bottle with you to ensure you’re sipping throughout the day. And listen, if you need to invest in a Stanley Cup to encourage you to get that H2O fix, we won’t judge. Or any kind of reusable water bottle you can refill as needed. This not only keeps you hydrated but also reduces plastic waste, making it a win-win.

3. Choose Real Food

We get that when you’re in the vacay mindset, it feels more convenient to pick up some processed, ready-to-go snacks to fill you up. But here’s a challenge, try a 70:30 approach. Opt for fresh fruits, nuts, and whole grains over processed items 70% of the time and allow yourself some regular processed snacks for the other 30%. If your accommodation has a kitchen it’s even easier to get the balance right and prepare your own meals. Balancing comfort foods with nutritious options will help you enjoy your vacation without feeling sluggish.

4. Keep Active

If you’re someone who’s already very active, then you’ve probably already sussed out the best workout spaces in your vacation destination. But if you’re someone who just likes to keep generally active when you can and doesn’t want to pile on the pounds when you’re away, one of the best things you can do is walk! Get the step counter downloaded on your phone (if it’s not already there - which it should be on most) and make sure you’re hitting around 8000 steps a day. That might seem like a lot, but it’s actually only about 4 miles or 1.5 hours a day.

So make sure to bring your workout gear and you look up some walking tours you might be interested in that can keep you moving and help you discover hidden gems in your destination.

And don’t forget that fun holiday activities like bike rides, swimming and kayaking will also burn lots of calories whilst being lots of fun!!

5. Prioritize Self-Care

If you’ve ever experienced the aftermath of cramps from long periods of sitting, whether on planes, trains, or buses, you know just how annoying it can be. Especially on your first day of your trip. Incorporating stretching exercises into your routine can really help to alleviate this tension and improve flexibility. Try some simple stretches in the morning or before bed; if you’re not sure where to start just do a quick YouTube search and you’ll find lots of easy routines. 

Also, don’t underestimate the power of rest and relaxation. Allow yourself to sleep in, enjoy a massage, or simply lounge by the pool. Pack the things you know will help you relax and unwind, such as essential oils, beauty masks, or your favorite book. Take the “I have to do this today” out of a packed itinerary and instead listen to what your body needs.

6. Unplug and Unwind

This isn’t a must, but it can be extremely beneficial to your mental health to take a break from screens when you’re - well - taking a break!. Unplugging can enhance mindfulness and help you fully immerse yourself in your surroundings. That said, we know it can be fun to share your travel moments on social media too, so why not try setting aside specific times to check your devices and spend the rest of your day enjoying your vacation. Let’s call it a custom built digital detox - one that’s designed to help you relax but also stay connected with your friends and family, whether it’s to share a beautiful sunset or simply check in to say hello.

Bon Voyage!

As you can see, traveling doesn’t mean you have to abandon your healthy habits. Incorporating these wellness tips into your vacation help you to maintain a balanced lifestyle while also giving yourself a timeout from the daily grind. Remember, the key is to be intentional about your choices and to listen to your body. Enjoy your travels, embrace new experiences, and return home feeling even better than when you left. Safe travels and stay well!