
Debunking Probiotic Myths with Science

Let's set the record straight.

3 min read

Probiotics are being pushed everywhere these days, from ads to health blogs (like this one!). So you’ve probably already heard a lot about how they can work wonders for your health. But with all the buzz, it’s easy to get confused about what they actually do. So, we figure it’s time to set the record straight and bust some common myths about probiotics!

Myth 1: Probiotics Are Only for Upset Stomachs

Think probiotics are just for those occasional stomach ache? Think again! While they can definitely help soothe an upset stomach, their benefits go way beyond that. Probiotics don’t permanently settle in your gut, but while they’re there, they support your natural flora which can have a lasting positive effect. Regular consumption helps maintain a healthy gut environment and this support can extend to your immune system, mental health, and even skin health.

Myth 2: Probiotics Didn’t Fix My Issues, So They Don’t Work

This all depends on what’s actually going on inside your body. If you’ve tried probiotics and your issues persist, it might be time to dig a little deeper. Persistent symptoms could indicate something else is going on, such as a small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) - a condition where excessive bacteria in the small intestine cause various health problems. Probiotics might not be a cure-all in this case, so it’s wise to consult with a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment. Remember, maintaining a balanced gut microbiome is a continuous process and involves more than just taking a probiotic.

Myth 3: Probiotics Cancel Out Antibiotics

Worried that taking probiotics with antibiotics is a waste? Not true! In fact, taking them together can be beneficial and it’s something recommended by research and medical professionals. Although antibiotics are often necessary, they can wipe out good gut bacteria along with the bad, so probiotics can help maintain the balance. Just be sure to space them out by a few hours, or choose a yeast-based probiotic like Saccharomyces Boulardii in our advanced probiotic formula which isn’t affected by antibiotics. This can reduce side effects of antibiotics  such as diarrhea and help replenish your gut flora more effectively.

Myth 4: Probiotics Should Be Taken On a Empty Stomach

One of the biggest misconceptions about probiotics is that they must be taken on an empty stomach for maximum effectiveness. Recent research shows that probiotics are best taken with a meal for optimal results. This is because the food helps to reduce any effect stomach acid may have on absorption and can also help the probiotics to move through the stomach.

If taken on an empty stomach, the low pH which causes increased acidity will make the bacteria less likely to survive. During and right after a meal, the pH increases to optimal levels

However, consistency is key, so whether you prefer to take your probiotics with or without food, in the morning or at night, incorporating them into your daily routine consistently is the most important thing of all.

Myth 5: All Probiotics Are the Same

Not all probiotics are created equal. The quality and efficacy of probiotic supplements can vary widely. High-quality probiotics will contain a blend of premium strains such as Lactobacillus Acidophilus and Bifidobacterium Lactis to ensure maximum benefits. These strains have been chosen for their proven ability to support digestion, boost immunity, and enhance overall health.

Myth 6: Probiotics Are Only for Gut Health

Probiotics are great for your gut but that’s not all! Certain strains like Lactobacillus Rhamnosus and Bifidobacterium Bifidum can positively impact your mood and mental health by influencing neurotransmitter production. A significant portion of your serotonin - the happiness hormone - is produced in your gut. And a healthy gut can lead to a healthier brain so your mood is better and your mind is sharper.

Myth 7: The More Bacteria, the Better

More isn’t always better when it comes to probiotics. The number of colony-forming units (CFUs) is important, but so is the diversity of strains and their ability to survive the journey through your digestive tract. Our advanced probiotic boasts 50 billion CFUs and 11 diverse strains, ensuring a robust and balanced microbiome. Quality over quantity is key, and a well-rounded formula can offer more comprehensive benefits than just a high CFU count.

Separating Fact from Fiction

Probiotics are a powerful tool for maintaining and improving your gut health; something everything should have in their toolkit. But - as you can see -  it's essential to separate fact from fiction. Regular use of high-quality probiotics, like our advanced formula, can support not just your digestive system but your overall health and well-being. We get that all of the information out there can be confusing, so hopefully this post helps to clear up a few things and help you to make the right choice for you and your body. If you have any questions, just reach out to us on Facebook messenger; we’re always available for a chat.