
Dr. Sanders’ 30-Year Acid Reflux Relief Journey

3 min read

Dr. Michael Sanders, a seasoned internal and pulmonary medicine physician, reflects on his long journey to finding lasting relief from acid reflux. Now at 52, he shares a story of perseverance, self-discovery, and the pursuit of a solution that finally worked for him.

A Long Road of Discomfort

“I started having reflux probably in my 20s,” Dr. Sanders shares. “I remember the first time it happened, I had to go to the doctor and was diagnosed with esophagitis and was given Zantac.” Although the immediate issue was resolved, the acid reflux became a recurring problem and often disrupted his sleep. “I would awaken with the water brash and immediate sensation of not being able to breathe. It was quite disruptive to sleep.”

Over the years, Dr. Sanders tried various treatments. “I was on Zantac for years, then tried Pepcid. Eventually, I found the PPIs and was on them on and off for probably 20 years.” Despite these medications, he continued to face discomfort, which was compounded by the side effects of these treatments. “While on my prescription medication, I would throw up from so much acid. I really was feeling defeated,” he recalls.

The Turning Point

The tipping point for Dr. Sanders came when he started questioning the long-term effects of PPIs. “Hard to believe, I know, but as a physician, I was never taught the side effects of PPIs. It wasn’t until recently that I started looking into the negative effects of these medications,” he explains. This realization motivated him to seek a better solution, leading him to discover Terra Health Essentials.

“I found one herbal product that worked okay, but I wasn’t completely satisfied. Then I found Terra Health,” he tells us. Intrigued by the idea of a natural alternative that might actually work, Dr. Sanders decided to give the Heartburn Relief Kit a try.

A Remarkable Transition

The transition to the Heartburn Relief Kit was surprisingly smooth for Dr. Sanders. “I didn’t really research the products extensively. I read the directions and thought, ‘Why not give it a try?’ I took one of each at bedtime, and within 48 hours, my reflux was essentially gone.”

Since starting the Heartburn Relief Kit three years ago, Dr. Sanders has only occasionally used famotidine and hasn’t touched a PPI. “I have been able to control my reflux very well. It’s basically in remission unless I indulge in something particularly troublesome,” he notes.

Dr. Sanders’s quality of life has also notably improved since using the supplements. “I no longer have to deal with reflux and more importantly, I don’t have to take poison anymore to control it,” he says. The kit has not only alleviated his symptoms but also allowed him to avoid the adverse effects associated with long-term use of traditional medications.

Advice for Others

For those struggling with acid reflux, Dr. Sanders offers straightforward advice: “Try it without hesitation. Follow the directions and cut back as tolerated…or just do like I did and try it at night like you would take the PPIs.” His positive experience has led him to recommend the Heartburn Relief Kit to many of his patients, with several reporting successful outcomes.

A New Perspective

As a physician who has now personally experienced the benefits of the Heartburn Relief Kit, Dr. Sanders emphasizes the importance of addressing acid reflux naturally. “I have recommended it to many people. The ones who haven’t tried it are almost always due to cost concerns or reluctance to invest in supplements,” he explains.

Dr. Sanders’s journey highlights the value of remaining open-minded about treatment options. His story serves as a powerful reminder that natural solutions can provide effective relief and significantly improve quality of life, even for those who have long relied on traditional treatments. By sharing his experience, Dr. Sanders encourages others to seek out and embrace alternatives that might offer real, lasting relief.

For anyone reading this who is struggling with acid reflux, we hope Dr. Sanders’s experience demonstrates that relief is possible. And if you’re already reading this, the right solution is just a click away.