
Lost Your "Get Up and Go?"

You need these natural energy boosters in your life.

3 min read

We've all had those days where our "get up and go" seems to have - well - got up and gone. You're tired, sluggish, and no amount of caffeine is doing the trick. If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone! Sometimes life moves so fast that you don’t realize how drained you’ve become until one day you just don’t have any energy left.

But what if we told you there are natural ways to boost your energy levels, without adding an extra 3 cups of coffee a day? Yep, it’s possible. So let’s talk about how.

Hydrate: The Simple Solution

Sometimes the most powerful solutions are the simplest ones. Dehydration is actually a common cause of fatigue that’s often overlooked. When your body is dehydrated, your cells can't function properly - leaving you tired and lethargic. You need to be aiming for at least eight glasses of water a day, and if it takes buying the infamous Stanley cup to motivate you then so be it! If you’re not a big fan of the taste of water (does it even have a taste?) try adding some slices of fruit for your own DIY flavored H20.

Super Greens: The Dietary Boost

Super Greens is a natural drink we developed that’s packed with essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to help detoxify your body and support your overall wellness.  So how does this help with fatigue? Well when your body is fueled by all of the nutrients it needs, it’s a lot less likely to start giving up halfway through the day.

You’re not just getting a nutrient boost when you incorporate Super Greens into your daily routine. You're giving your body the tools it needs to combat fatigue. Plus, its natural detoxifying properties help to make you feel lighter and more energized.

NAD+: The Brain’s Best Friend

It’s not just your body that can fail to “get up and go”. Sometimes your brain presses the pause button too! We’re talking about that annoying brain fog, where you just can’t seem to focus and procrastination becomes the word of that day. 

If this is something you’ve experienced, NAD+ is a natural solution worth looking into. This is a coenzyme that exists in all living cells and it’s essential for energy production and metabolism. Our NAD+ levels drop with age which leads to brain fog, fatigue, cellular damage, and other aging effects - which can even be seen on your skin (which is why you’ve likely seen the rise in NAD+ in the beauty sphere!).

Increasing your NAD+ levels can help lift that mental cloudiness and improve cognitive function. It sharpens everything up so that you can focus. Many people report more energy, better concentration, and an overall rejuvenated feeling after just a few days of adding this supplement to their routine. 

Exercise: Move to Energize

Exercising gives you more energy. We’re not kidding. It’s almost guaranteed that you’ll feel less lethargic after your workout than beforehand. Think about the last time you dragged yourself out for a run after work and how you felt after. You felt better, right?

The science part here is that physical activity increases the flow of oxygen and nutrients to your muscles and tissues which helps them work more efficiently. Regular exercise also boosts the production of endorphins - your body's natural mood lifting buddies.

We’re not talking about a marathon here either (yet… you never know!). Simply going for a brisk 20-minute walk can work wonders for your energy levels. If walking isn’t your thing, find something else you enjoy - whether it’s dancing, swimming, or playing a sport - and make it a regular part of your daily routine. It doesn’t matter what exercise you do as long as it’s consistent and you’re more likely to be consistent if you don’t hate it! So.. maybe not sweating buckets for 3 hours a day on the stairmaster, ain’t nobody got time for that.

Sleep: The Ultimate Recharge

There’s absolutely no way we could write an article about natural energy boosters without mentioning sleep. You know you need sleep, we know you need sleep, so are you getting enough of it? If you’ve got this far and you’re already tired, then probably not.

Not everyone needs 9 hours of sleep a night. Not everyone can survive on just 7. It depends on the person. But experts say 7-9 hours is the average required to maintain optimal health and not walk around feeling like a zombie all day. You probably already know how much sleep you need based on how you feel when you get 5 hours Vs 8. If you’re almost fully functioning on 6 hours, then 7 hours could be your sweet spot. If you’re walking around half-dead on 6 hours sleep, then you might want to aim for 8. We could talk numbers all day, but the bottom line is you’ll know you’re getting enough sleep when you wake up feeling rested!

Calm Your Mind

Chronic stress can seriously sap your energy, affect your overall health, and leave you feeling exhausted. You need to find a way to give your brain a break. If you feel there’s a more serious issue at hand, perhaps talking to a professional is the way forward. But, for many, it can be as simple as downloading one of the 100s of mindfulness/meditations apps available right at your fingertips to help you unwind. Taking a few minutes each day to practice mindfulness and simply take some deep breaths can really take a weight off and make a significant difference to your energy levels.

Ready to Take Action?

Remember, your "get up and go" doesn’t have to stay gone. Choose two of these natural energy boosters to try right now and give them at least a month to see how you feel. In a few weeks' time, you could have a whole new zest for life. Making small, consistent changes can lead to significant improvements in your energy levels over time, even if it’s not noticeable on a day-to-day basis. So it’s important to stick with it. Whether you start your day with Super Greens, boost your NAD+ levels, buy that Stanley cup, or download that deep breathing app, each step is a step closer to feeling like your best self.