
NAD+ Supplements: Exploring the Science Behind the Hype

Is NAD+ the natural boost your body needs?

4 min read

NAD+ has been causing quite a stir in the wellness community, but what exactly is it and how does it work? And most importantly of all, is there science behind the hype? Today we're diving deep into the world of NAD+ supplements, from the mechanisms and research to the wide-ranging benefits, so that you have all of the information you need to decide whether this is the right supplement for you.

Understanding NAD+: The Basics

Your body is BUSY. There are countless cellular processes happening inside your system every second to keep things running smoothly. And one of the main players keeping things ticking over is NAD+. Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+) plays a crucial role in converting food into energy, repairing DNA, and regulating gene expression (this helps ensure that cells produce the right proteins at the right time). Sounds pretty important, right? That’s because it is. But there’s a catch. As we age and deal with inevitable stress that can arise now and then in our lives, our NAD+ levels take a nosedive. And when this happens, you feel it, trust us. The power source for our cells starts to run low and it feels like you’re running on empty. This is where NAD+ supplementation becomes essential.

The Benefits of NAD+

So what does NAD+ actually do and is it the right solution for you? Let's look at just how wide-ranging the benefits of this supplement are.

1. Supports Cellular Repair and Detoxification 

Your body is constantly working behind the scenes to repair damage and eliminate toxins. However, declining NAD+ levels can have a detrimental effect on this process. NAD+ acts as a catalyst to rev up cellular repair mechanisms and enhance those detoxification pathways. By replenishing your NAD+ levels you’ll get this process back up to full speed; cells can more effectively repair DNA damage - helping to hold back the signs of aging, flush out harmful toxins, and function more optimally. It gives your body the reboot it needs to run as smoothly and efficiently as it should.

2. Boosts Energy Levels 

Ever feel like you're running on empty? You know those days where you wake up and the idea of doing anything feels like it requires a whole lot of energy you just don’t have? This is often a result of those declining NAD+ levels. NAD+ plays a crucial role in converting food into usable energy, so when levels start to dip, your cellular energy does too. NAD+ helps to reignite the energy within your cells and combat fatigue so you can get every day off to a good start!

3. Supports Cognitive Health

This essential co-enzyme also plays a pivotal role in maintaining cognitive health and function. As we age, cognitive decline becomes a very real concern - with factors like stress and environmental toxins exacerbating the process. Replenishing NAD levels not only enhances cellular repair mechanisms but also supports brain function, including memory, focus, and overall cognitive performance. It's like giving your brain an extra boost to help you stay sharp, alert, and mentally agile as you age

4. Regulates Mood and Reduces Stress

In a 2022 report, 3 in 5 adults both in the U.S. and across the global average stated that stress affected their daily lives at least once in the previous year. If you fall into this group, you need to know how NAD+ can help to alleviate some of those difficulties. By promoting the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin and reducing stress-related hormones like cortisol, NAD+ therapy can really work wonders for your emotional well-being. Whether you’re taking it alongside your existing medication or haven’t tried anything yet, this is something worth considering.

5. Supports Healthy Eating Habits

We’ve all done a spot of emotional eating or overeating now and then, often driven by stress or boredom or simply feeling low. . After a tough day at work, a take-out and some Ben&Jerry’s is often too hard to resist. And, listen, that’s absolutely okay now and then. But having an alternative, healthier and sustainable way to deal with these emotions will make a big difference to how it affects your physical wellbeing. NAD+ provides a holistic approach to getting your mind right and cultivating a more positive relationship with food, by rebalancing mood, reducing stress, and boosting energy levels. 

6. Addiction Recovery

If you're battling substance abuse, NAD+ therapy is something to consider and many addiction centers are now using NAD+ as a tool for their patients. Research has revealed that prolonged substance abuse can deplete the body's natural reservoirs of NAD. This depletion disrupts the usual energy production process, leaving the brain deprived of the essential fuel it should be getting from the food you eat. There are NAD therapy steps in to replenish these depleted stores in 4 key ways:

  • Detoxification: By flooding the brain with this crucial coenzyme, NAD+ supplementation aids in flushing out lingering drugs and toxins from the user's system.
  • Reduced Withdrawal Symptoms: Withdrawal effects from substance abuse can be intense and distressing. NAD+ supplementation works to diminish these symptoms to provide much-needed relief during the recovery process.
  • Control Cravings: NAD+ can help to curb cravings for alcohol and opioids which eases the discomfort of withdrawal and making the journey to sobriety more manageable both physically and mentally.
  • Natural Energy Production: As opposed to the short-term energy boosts you get from caffeine or sugar, NAD+ supports the body in naturally producing energy. So no more caffeine jitters!

Time to Give Your Body a Power-Up?

So, there you have it – the lowdown on NAD+ supplements and the science behind the hype. As we navigate the ups and downs of life, our bodies face constant challenges that can take a toll on our health. But this powerful coenzyme can help us fight back against the effects of aging, stress, and the environmental toxins around us. If you’re still sitting on the fence, we definitely recommend giving it a try. Nothing ventured, nothing gained and all that. Your body and mind will thank you for it!