
Natural Detox: Is it Time to Hit the Reset Button?

Get ready to listen up if your body is telling you something is wrong.

5 min read

Ever had one of those weeks when you just don’t feel like yourself? Maybe you're sluggish, bloated, or breaking out for no clear reason. It feels like your body is crying out for some TLC, but you just can’t find the time. Well, that’s your cue to consider a detox. But we’re not talking about extreme starvation diets or laxatives that have you sitting on the toilet for hours. A healthy detox works by using natural solutions to gently rid your system of toxins and hit the reset button on your energy levels. So, since you’re here, let’s take some time to listen to your body, figure out what it’s telling you, and give it what it needs.

Understanding the Detox Dilemma

Toxin buildup is a common consequence of how we live now. Factors of modern living such as environmental pollutants, processed foods, and stress all contribute to it to accumulating within our bodies. These toxins can disrupt our natural balance and lead to a range of health issues, from low energy levels to digestive issues and skin problems. Although exposure to these toxins isn’t always avoidable, we can address and minimize the impact this buildup has on our bodies. And this starts with regular detoxification.

Is Your Body Asking for a Detox?

Here are some telltale signs that your body might be ready for a detox:

  • Low Energy Levels and Chronic Fatigue: If you find yourself struggling to get through the day, it could be a sign that your body is overloaded with toxins. Toxins impair the body’s ability to produce energy efficiently, leaving you feeling drained and lethargic. So if you’re getting a good night’s sleep but still feeling groggy at 2pm, it’s time to think about whether those toxins are causing a problem.
  • Trouble Sleeping: An imbalance in your cortisol levels can make you feel more alert and active at night which makes it difficult to fall asleep. If you’ve ever dealt with this then you know the detrimental effects that chronic insomnia can have on your life and overall health. It’s often an easy fix once you get to the underlying cause.
  • Digestive Issues: Digestive problems such as bloating, gas, and stomach pains are often signs of toxin overload in your digestive system. Bloating, in particular, is a common complaint from those experiencing toxin buildup that’s often overlooked. It’s that uncomfortable feeling of fullness and tightness in your abdomen – as if you’ve swallowed a balloon and you feel like you’re about to burst (or your jeans are!). It’s important to recognize that bloating is more than just a temporary inconvenience, as it can be a sign that your body is struggling to process and eliminate toxins effectively.
  • Skin Problems: Breakouts, rashes, and other skin issues can indicate that your body is struggling to eliminate unwanted substances. They say your skin mirrors your inner health and this is even more evident in cases of toxin build up. If you start to experience regular breakouts or itching/dry skin/rashes, it could be a manifestation of an imbalance in your system. This is something that can have an effect on your mental health as well as your physical health and it’s important not to dismiss it without thinking about what set it off. Any irregular changes in your skin’s appearance may be indicative of something more going on underneath and your body could be trying to tell you something.
  • Bad Breath and Body Odor: Persistent bad breath and body odor are common signs that your body is overloaded with toxins.If you’re heavily relying on deodorant and breath mints, it might be time to look for a solution. 

Natural Detox Solutions for a Gentle Gut Reset

If you're ready for a reset, use these simple yet effective changes to establish a new routine. Supporting your body’s detox processes doesn’t require extreme measures. You won’t find us suggesting a juicing diet over here. So let’s look at some natural, gentle ways to help your body cleanse itself:

1. Eat Clean and Hydrate

When you think of a detox, the first thing that comes to mind is probably your diet, and for good reason. The importance of getting enough whole foods and water into your system really can’t be overstated. By nourishing your body with nutrient-dense foods and staying properly hydrated, you’re arming it with the essential tools it needs to eliminate toxins and keep you fighting fit.

Focus on consuming a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and wholegrains. These foods provide essential nutrients that support your liver and kidneys - the body’s main detoxification organs. 

And although you’ve heard this ten times over - drink plenty of water - at least eight glasses a day. This helps flush out any toxins through urine and sweat, and it does all kinds of good things for your body. Without an adequate water intake, your body’s detoxification processes may become sluggish, leading to toxin buildup and all of the associated health issues.

2. Limit Alcohol Consumption

Your liver plays a crucial role in metabolizing alcohol and eliminating toxins from your body. However, excessive alcohol consumption can overwhelm your liver and prevent it from working as it should. If you drink alcohol, it’s wise to limit your intake as much as you can. Health authorities recommend no more than one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men. Giving your liver a break from alcohol will allow it to focus its attention on getting other toxins out of your system.

3. Practice Stress Management and Relaxation Techniques

It’s easy to underestimate the toll that stress can take on our bodies. Yet, chronic stress can significantly impact our body’s ability to effectively detoxify and eliminate toxins, Chronic stress triggers a domino effect of physiological responses in the body, including the release of stress hormones like cortisol. While these hormones can be essential for our survival in extreme situations, prolonged exposure to stress can disrupt our body’s delicate balance and impair detoxification pathways. This can lead to toxins accumulating in our tissues and organs, increasing the risk of various health issues. If you struggle to manage your stress levels, it’s essential to practice relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, and deep breathing exercises.

These are all effective tools for calming the mind, reducing stress levels, and supporting the body’s natural detoxification processes. Just incorporating a few minutes of any of these techniques into your day can have a significant impact on your body’s ability to detox and your general well-being. Check out our interview with somatic practitioner Rebekah Ballagh for some relaxing exercises to help you unwind.

4. Flush Unwanted Substances

Add more naturally detoxifying foods and beverages like lemon water and herbal teas to help your body gently eliminate harmful substances. Our Detox Cleanse supplement is designed to help your body eliminate toxins without the harsh effects of laxatives… because nobody wants an onset of those “I need the toilet” cramps at the most inopportune moments.

5. Balance Your Microbiome

Incorporate fermented foods, such as yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi, into your diet to help restore balance in your gut microbiome. These foods promote healthy digestion and support your body’s natural detoxification processes.

6. Support Healthy Digestion

Maintaining a balanced microbiome with the help of probiotics is essential to enhance nutrient absorption and reduce any digestive discomfort such as bloating or bowel irregularities. Stick to a diet high in fiber to keep your gut healthy. 

What to Expect with a Natural Gut Reset 

You can get a headstart on all of these steps with our Gut Reset Kit which contains both the Detox Cleanse and Advanced Probiotic. This is something quite a lot of our clients take on and off on an “as needed” basis when they feel they need a bit of a “clear out”, so to speak!

  • Week 1: You’ll start feeling lighter as your body begins to eliminate unwanted substances.
  • Week 4: Things really start to kick off and meal time will get easier thanks to improved digestion and less bloating as your gut microbiome balances out.
  • Week 8: You’ll see your skin become clearer and your energy levels will pick up.
  • Week 12+: Welcome to better digestion, improved mental and physical well-being, and getting your glow back.

Remember to Listen to Your Body

Your body is constantly communicating with you and sending out signals to tell you what it needs. The symptoms we’ve listed such as fatigue, digestive troubles, and skin issues are just a few of the signs that it might be time to detox. Learning to listen to these signals isn’t always easy, especially when life gets busy and self-care gets pushed down the priority list. But pushing through discomfort can have serious consequences for your health and it’s essential to stop and take notice.

Take time each day to check in with yourself, paying attention to how you’re feeling physically, emotionally, and mentally. Notice any sensations or symptoms that arise and consider what they might be trying to tell you. By paying attention and making small, meaningful changes, you can really make a difference to how your body looks and feels. And remember - no matter how insurmountable those improvements may feel right now - they are possible, you just have to take it one step at a time.