
Suzanne’s Triumph Over Acid Reflux at 73 Years Young!

Suzanne was living her best life until she got hit with acid reflux in 2019. But she hit back!

3 min read

Meet our incredible client, Suzanne, a vibrant 73-year-old who suddenly became faced with severe acid reflux symptoms in 2019. It’s been a rough ride for this resilient lady, but she’s finally at the end of the road! We’re really thankful to Suzanne for speaking with us about her heartwarming journey to relief; one filled with sheer determination, willpower, and her trust in us.

Getting to Know Suzanne

Suzanne was living her best life until 2019 when she was hit with severe acid reflux symptoms. Suddenly, her favorite foods and drinks were off the menu and pain and discomfort became her everyday “norm”. After confirming the acid reflux diagnosis with an endoscopy, Suzanne was prescribed Omeprazole, a PPI prescription that initially worked but made her a little concerned about potential side effects.

The Conversation That Changed It All

Several years ago, Suzanne spoke with a gut health specialist who informed her about the potential dangers of PPIs. That conversation became a turning point, sparking a determination in Suzanne to find an alternative solution. In her own words; “I just knew there had to be another solution, a natural product that works!" Fueled by this conversation, Suzanne’s determination to get off PPIs grew stronger. Her pursuit of a natural remedy, continued, and this is how our paths came to cross.

Discovering Terra Health Essentials:

In April 2023, while casually scrolling through Facebook, Suzanne stumbled upon two acid reflux sites. After messaging both companies, Terra Health Essentials stood out, and she says that our prompt and friendly responses were what won her over (thanks Suzanne!). Despite some initial wariness, our approach gave her the confidence to give the Heartburn Relief Kit a shot.

“The response from TH was almost immediate and clearly gave me the information I needed, (not so much with the other company). That’s what sold me to at least give it a try."

Navigating Hurdles and Finding Solutions

Starting the kit in April wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows, especially with an unexpected surgery that brought its own challenges. But Suzanne took it all in stride. Fast forward to May when symptoms took a severe turn. Suzanne reached out to us for help. We worked with her on adjusting her dosage and advised her about the counteraction of Omeprazole with Reflux Inhibitor (PPIs reduce the effect of the RI as they block the acidity we want to restore).

After this, Suzanne not only found immediate relief but also strengthened her resolve to ditch those PPIs for good. Once she came off the PPI again and increased her Reflux Inhibitor to a dosage that worked for her, things really started to improve.

"I was told that the Omeprazole would negate the RI... I had no idea. It worked beautifully, I’ve never had that severe pain again! At that point, not only did I know the product was effective, it reinforced my determination to never go back to PPI’s."

Advice for Others

Seven months into her journey, Suzanne would like to share the strategies she’s tried that have helped her to manage her symptoms and find relief:

  • Taking the AR, more so as needed and two of the RI’s before the largest meal.
  • Messaging TH with questions/help, great prompt responses.
  • Joining the TH Facebook group, getting advice and learning so much from other experiences.
  • Sleeping with my head elevated and on my left side.
  • Taking as needed, DGL Licorice Root, Slippery Elm, Papaya Enzymes, apples/applesauce, low acid coffee.

In Suzanne’s own words, “we’re all different, what works for me may not work for you.” But it is definitely worth giving these tips a try. A lot of our clients have reiterated the benefits of these strategies in their healing journey. While not claiming that Terra Health Essentials provided a magic cure, Suzanne is happy with the control she now has over her reflux, without harmful pharmaceuticals.

"Thanks to TH and their Facebook group, I’ve learned so much about acid reflux, its causes and suggestions for relief."

Suzanne’s journey is an encouraging reminder that although the road to relief may be challenging at times, it is possible. And with the right support, you don’t have to do it alone. If you’re ready to get started on your own journey, new clients can join our private Facebook Support Group or you can reach out to us on our Facebook Messenger at any time for a free 1:1 consultation – we can’t wait to hear from you!