
The Heartburn Relief Kit: “How Do I Know if It’s Working?"

From reflux to relief, we've got your back.

6 min read

The title says it all when it comes to this post. Being our very first product, the Heartburn Relief Kit is one of our most popular and a supplement we take great pride in due to how well it works for many people. However, as it is a long process and far from a quick fix, some people do find the transition from PPIs (the quick fix) quite difficult in the beginning.

As this is something we see pop up quite often in our private client Facebook Group (join here if you’re a client!), and also on our public platforms, we thought it was time to put some information together to help set your mind at ease if you’ve just started this journey. You don’t have to go through this alone and we never want you to feel that way.

We do get it. You see something on the internet offering to solve all of your problems and it just seems too good to be true. You want it to be true, but that little bit of skepticism is still there. And that’s okay! That’s the responsible way to be. But what we try to do as a company to help ease that doubt is to provide you with ongoing 1:1 support via our Facebook DM facility and a strong community of clients who are either in the same boat right now or have come out the other side. 

Will the Heartburn Relief Kit work for everyone? No. But does it work for about 80% of our clients? Yes. The catch is that it takes time. So let's get into a few common concerns that come our way.

“I’ve started the kit but I’m scared about coming off my PPI in case I get rebound reflux.”

So, with the kit, you start the Reflux Inhibitor (RI) on day 8. This is the supplement that adds acidity to your stomach to help your lower esophageal sphincter muscle to close and stop any acid from refluxing back up. Since this is completely opposite to how PPIs work (they block acid), you can’t take both at once. We get that it’s scary to give up a medication that you feel has kept your reflux under control for so long. But here’s the thing: do you want to be on PPIs for life, blocking your natural stomach acid, or get it under control naturally within a few months, without the side effects of PPIs? 

When it comes to rebound reflux, it can happen, but not the way you think. The RI adds acidity to your gut, but everyone has different acidity levels. While you may need just two capsules daily, someone else might need four. That’s why we suggest starting with two and adjusting as needed (up to a max of five).

This is where the process part comes in, and trusting in it. Why? Because that rebound reflux you’re afraid of IS something that can happen but only because you’re in a transition period of switching from something that once blocked all acidity to something that’s trying to balance it out. And it takes a little time and trial and error on dosage to get that balance right.

In general, we find that around the 6 week mark our clients start to see a real turnaround. So we highly recommend sticking it out to this point and contacting us throughout if needed for help with adjusting dosage. The Acid Relief (AR) in the kit is really helpful during this period as it eases the acid reflux symptoms, and you can take up to 10 a day. Does that mean you’ll be on that many forever? No. It’s just a buffer to help you get over the first few weeks until your system adjusts.

“I have ulcers/ erosion, can I still take the RI?”

Unfortunately, this is a no, at least for now. You need to heal the erosion first before adding more acidity. In cases like this, PPIs do have their place. We recommend staying on your PPI for now, but you can start the Acid Relief to begin the healing process. Once your erosion is resolved, we’ll look at adding the Reflux Inhibitor to tackle your reflux.

“I’ve been taking the kit for 2 months, it doesn't work for me.”

We’re not here to tell you how your body feels, only you know that. But we can help you to understand what's going on and go from there. If it’s truly not working for you, we have a 60 day period during which you can request a full refund and we will issue this immediately.

We will also offer to help you and try to figure out why it’s not working for you. In many cases when we get these messages, they come from people who haven’t contacted us previously, so they haven’t had that support in terms of knowing when to adjust dosage etc. Often just adding one more capsule a daly can change everything. In fact, even reducing it can too! Working together on this can make all the difference.

“I’ve been on the kit for 3 months and my acid reflux is back”.

This happens more often than you’d think, and it’s totally manageable! In fact, it’s often a great sign! But know it can be confusing, so let’s get into it. The typical period to be on the kit is 120 days, some people go less, some people go over. But if you’re 3 months in and your symptoms suddenly worsen, it can often mean that your natural acidity has returned to normal and you no longer need to add as much, if any, more acidity with the RI.

So at this juncture we usually start by recommending to try reducing the RI. We monitor how you feel in doing so and if all goes well, you come off it at that point. However if reducing it causes extra symptoms, then it’s likely more a case of a flare up, so you’d increase it for a little while to get everything balanced a while. Please don’t worry if this happens, it’s temporary and not a step back. You’ll get back to where you were once it all levels out.

“I can’t swallow pills, can I open them?”

Although we’ve addressed this before, it does get asked a lot so we wanted to note it here again. The Acid Relief is fine to open, however the RI does contain acid and we do not recommend opening it as it could cause irritation to the esophagus. If you have trouble swallowing pills, our clients have found a number of things helpful such as eating a banana or piece of bread to help push the pill down. If you absolutely cannot swallow the RI, the ACV Gummies are an option, but they won’t have as strong an effect for chronic acid reflux. There are more of an addition to your regimen or useful for mild reflux/flare-ups.

“Where can I find reviews of people this has worked for?”

We have SO many reviews and we’d love to share them with you. You can DM us any time for links to various comments, check our website, or have a look at our client success stories in our blog, or join our private FB client community if you have made a purchase. We’d love to hear your story too once you’ve seen results

We’re Here to Help - Every Step of the Way

We hope this post answers any questions you had about the Heartburn Relief Kit, and we’re always here if you need more help. Feel free to send us a direct message on Facebook anytime for a free 1:1 consultation. We understand how much this condition can affect your life, our founders and many team members have personal experience with reflux, and we truly care about helping you move past it and live the life you deserve.