
Tips for Getting a Better Night's Sleep

If you have trouble hitting the hay, this article is for you.

3 min read

If you hit the snooze button 3 times this morning before eventually dragging yourself out of bed, you’re not alone. About 1 in 3 adults in the US alone aren’t getting enough sleep and the effect this has on our physical and mental wellbeing is huge. You might think that missing a few hours here and there doesn’t matter, but it all builds up and science shows that your body keeps score.

So how can you improve your sleeping patterns? Well, like anything else, it’s about changing your lifestyle rather than trying to adopt a quick fix solution. It can take some motivation to stick to it until these changes become a habit, but once you commit to it you won’t look back.

Start by Laying the Foundation

Where you sleep and what you sleep on is as good as place as any to start! Regardless of how many lifestyle changes you make, if you’re sleeping on an old mattress with zero support then you’re not getting off to a good start. So let’s look at how you can create the best sleeping environment to send you off into dreamland once you hit the pillow.

Cool and Dark Room

Creating a sleep haven starts with temperature. According to research, the sweet spot is between 60–67°F (15.6–19.4°C). Unsurprisingly, a poll by the US National Sleep Association showed that 73% of people believe the darker the room, the better. If you’re part of this cohort, blackout blinds are your best Ifriend.

Peaceful Surroundings

Silence is golden. 74% of Americans consider quiet crucial for quality sleep. While some prefer total silence, others prefer some “white noise” in the background. You can test this out by downloading a white noise app on your phone and experimenting with the different sounds, or simply turn on the fan!

Comfortable Bedding

Your bed is your sanctuary. How many times have you stayed in a hotel and slept so well you wished you could bring the bedding and pillows back home with you?! Well now is the time to replicate that experience in your own home. A comfortable mattress and pillows are essential and it’s important to take your usual sleeping position into consideration when making your choice. If you realize your mattress isn’t quite right but you can’t fork out on a new one just yet, a mattress topper is a great way to add more comfort to your nights. Weighted blankets can also help a lot if you have trouble with restless legs or feeling antsy at bedtime.


Essential oils like lavender and peppermint are proven to enhance sleep quality and reduce stress. Consider using an essential oil diffuser in your bedroom to help you to relax in the evenings

Daily Habits to Improve Sleep

What you do during the day is just as important as your evening routine when it comes to getting quality sleep. Here are a few things to keep in mind.

Limit Daytime Naps

While short naps can make you more alert throughout the day, too much napping may impact nighttime sleep. Experiment with eliminating or limiting to a 30-minute nap early in the day.

Watch Your Diet

What you eat and when you eat it matters. Avoid eating within an hour of bedtime, and have your heaviest meal at least 3 hours before you go to sleep. A glass of warm milk or a cup of chamomile tea are the perfect sleep companions.


Research shows that adults who exercise for at least 30 minutes a day sleep an average of 15 minutes longer than those who don’t. Aim for moderate and intense exercise, preferably outdoors, but avoid intense vigorous workouts close to bedtime as this will just have the opposite effect.

Winding Down

When the evening rolls around, it’s important to let your body know it’s almost time for those important ZZZs.

The 4-7-8 Breathing Method

This rhythmic breathing technique is a bedtime ritual worth trying. Inhale for 4 counts, hold for 7, and exhale for 8. Taking a moment for this mindful practice can signal your body to unwind and you’ll drift off before you know it.

Avoid Clock-Watching

Constantly checking the clock can heighten sleep-related anxiety. Consider removing the clock from your room or turning it around to break this pattern.

Set a Sleep Schedule

Embrace your circadian rhythm. Consistent sleep and wake times are important to help regulate your internal clock. Give yourself 30–45 minutes to unwind in the evening before you hit the pillow.

Balance Exposure to Daylight and Darkness

Exposure to natural light during the day influences your body’s internal clock and it’s important to have a balance between daylight and darkness. As mentioned earlier, you can also use blackout curtains if needed.

Write Before Bed

Journaling before bed can clear your mind. Focus on positive thoughts or create a to-do list. This simple practice can lead to reduced bedtime worry and improved sleep quality. You can even try writing a list of things you’re grateful for. According to findings in the Journal of Psychosomatic Research, feeling grateful can help you to get a better night’s sleep. Further studies link gratitude to lower blood pressure, reduced risks of depression, anxiety, and, most importantly, better sleep conditions.

Bathe Before Bedtime

A warm bath or shower relaxes your body and mind, lowering heart rate and blood pressure. What better leads to a peaceful slumber?

Turn Off All Electronics

Electronics emit blue light which disrupts melatonin production and keeps you awake. Make sure to disconnect at least an hour before bed or use blue light-blocking glasses or screen protectors.

Small Changes = Significant Results

As you get started on your journey, our natural supplement, Fast Asleep can help you get into your new routine with ease. This relaxing supplement is designed to support a restful sleep without the use of melatonin.

Remember, improving your sleep is a process where small changes can yield significant results. All it takes is a few tweaks to your routine and it won’t be long until you’re jumping out of bed before the alarm even goes off. So stick with it and let us know in the comments if any of these tips work for you!

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