
Why Your Reflux Inhibitor Stopped Working and What to Do

Get back on track and resolve that acid reflux flare-up fast.

3 min read

Anyone who’s started the Heartburn Relief Kit will know that it’s very much an individualized process. What works for one person may not work for the other and vice versa. This is because every single person’s gut is unique; acid levels will differ, health history has to be considered, and general lifestyle factors also come into play. For this reason, dosage will vary throughout the plan and will need to be adjusted to meet your specific needs. 

So what happens once you’ve finally nailed down the right dosage for you and your acid reflux comes back out of nowhere? Well, the first thing to do is - don’t panic. I know that’s easier said than done when it feels like all of your hard work has been for nothing, which is why we’ve put together some information to help you understand exactly why this may have happened and how you can get it under control again. 

There are two main reasons your acid reflux can return, and they’re at opposite ends of the spectrum. So let’s look at what they are and how to figure out which you’re dealing with.

Your Acid Levels Are Improving

This is the silver lining when your acid reflux comes back and it’s something we see happen very often with clients. If you’ve been on the Reflux Inhibitor for 6+ weeks, it’s possible that your stomach has started producing more acid on its own, which then tops up the acidity you’re adding with the Reflux Inhibitor (RI). So why does that cause reflux? Well look at it like this: you’re taking the Reflux Inhibitor to restore your acidity to a level that triggers your LES muscle to close and stop acid from seeping back up. When you get the dosage right, you add just enough acid to trigger closure of the LES without causing acid reflux. However, if you add more acid than you need, it’ll cause acid reflux.  When you start producing acid naturally alongside your regular RI dose, that extra acid can cause a reflux flare up. Why? Because you don’t need that much anymore.

The solution here is to start gradually reducing your RI dose until your reflux stops. The best way to know if this is actually the problem is to reduce slowly, and if you see any improvements at all then keep reducing. You may even be able to stop taking the RI completely at this point, especially if it’s a few months in.

Your Acid Levels Are Too Low

If you’re just a few weeks into the Heartburn Relief Kit plan, it can often be the case that your acidity is still too low and isn’t being maintained. This can lead to flare ups now and prevent you from having consistent relief. It’s completely normal to need to adjust your dodge throughout the plan, so this doesn’t mean that you’ve gone backwards, you’re just working on getting to a point of consistent relief and that can take a little time. These flare ups can often be triggered by a larger meal than normal or foods that usually cause digestive problems for you, so we recommend keeping any of those foods out of your diet for now until you’ve had relief for a few weeks consistently. You will also need to increase your Reflux Inhibitor. You can go up to a max of 5 before your heaviest meal, so if you’re on 2 go to 3, etc.

Keep an eye on your symptoms as you increase your dosage and watch out for any improvements or worsening of your reflux. Any improvements, no matter how small, indicate that you’re moving in the right direction. Keep increasing the dosage until your reflux is under control again. You may not need to stay on the increased dosage for long, depending on what caused the flare up. So make sure to carefully watch your progress and adjust it if needed.

Don’t Forget the Acid Relief

The Acid Relief will be your best friend if your symptoms flare up. It works by helping to reduce inflammation, soothe heartburn, and protect your esophagus and stomach lining from acid damage. You can take up to 10 of these a day so don’t be afraid to take more as needed when you’re working on adjusting that RI dosage. 

One of the key ingredients in acid relief is Aloe Vera and we’ve found that drinking some Aloe Vera juice also works very well for many of our clients who need an immediate soothing effect. This is easy to pick up in health stores or online. It’s best taken alongside the Acid Relief which also contains ingredients like Slippery Elm Bark and Lemon Balm to help calm down that inflammation and ease your symptoms.

We’re Here Whenever You Need Us

It’s completely normal to feel a little frustrated and disheartened when your reflux comes back, but we’re here to answer any questions you have and help you make a plan to get back on track. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us any time on Facebook Messenger where our consultants speak to clients on a daily basis to help guide them through the plan. You can also share your concerns and questions with others in the client Facebook Group where you’ll find amazing support from people who are or have been in the same boat. You’d be amazed at just how much it can help to get a few words of reassurance from someone who understands what you’re going through and has come out the other side.

Remember: you've got this. Stick with the plan and the little hiccups will work themselves out along the way.