
Fitness Tech For Beginners

....because just counting steps is so last year.

4 min read

If you’re brand new to fitness or have been dipping your toe in and out for a while, the idea of adding tech to your workouts might seem like extra effort at first. But this can actually help you enjoy your workouts more and keep you motivated—which we all know is one of the toughest things when you’re starting out!

It’s not just about counting steps anymore; it’s about making fitness fun and effective (but don’t stop counting those steps either!).

Why Invest in Fitness Tech?

When you invest in fitness tech, you’re investing in YOU. But the most important thing is to get it right. After all, if you’re a runner who hates cycling and buy a Peloton bike, it’s not going to do much except gather dust and empty your bank account!

Here are a few solid reasons to embrace technology in the fitness world:

  • Motivation and Accountability: Fitness gadgets can give you that extra push to stay on track. When you know what you’re doing is being tracked, you’re more likely to stick with it. It’s like having your own personal trainer!
  • Tracking Progress and Setting Goals: Fitness trackers and apps allow you to see your progress in real-time. And the sense of satisfaction you get when you watch those steps add up or see your run times improve is REAL.
  • Enhancing Workout Efficiency: The phrase “work smarter, not harder” applies to exercise too! These tools help you make the most of your workout time so that you get the best results possible in the time that you have.

Types of Fitness Tech for Beginners

There are lots of different types of fitness tech out there and it can be a bit overwhelming, to say the least. So here’s a quick guide of what’s available to get you started:

Wearables (Fitness Trackers, Smartwatches)

These are great for tracking your daily activity, heart rate, and sleep. Brands like Fitbit, Garmin, and Apple are all great options depending on your budget. To be honest, if you’re starting out you’re probably fine with something like a basic tracker such as the Fitbit Inspire 3 or the Fitbit Charge 6 if you’d like something with a few more features. These are both super user-friendly and a great way to start using this tech without feeling overwhelmed.

Apps (Fitness Apps, Nutrition Trackers)

If you do a quick search in your app store you’ll see that it’s packed with apps designed to help you with different aspects of fitness. MyFitnessPal is one of our personal favorites for tracking what you eat, and the infamous Couch to 5K is still one of the best ways to get you started with running. 

Home Gym Equipment (Smart Weights, Connected Treadmills

If you prefer working out at home, there’s some amazing smart equipment out there, like the Peloton bike, connected treadmills with personalized training programmes and real-time performance tracking, and adjustable weights which can be utilized for various exercises and levels throughout your fitness journey. The JAXJOX Kettlebell Connect offers adjustable weights  with guided workouts and performance tracking if you’d like to take things up notch. This requires a little more investment on your part, but when you compare it to the cost of a gym membership you’ll see that it’s worth it!

Accessories (Smart Water Bottles, Wireless Earbuds)

You might not think these make much of a difference to your workout, but trust me - they will. Have you ever gone on a long train journey and forgot your earbuds? Imagine that feeling if you’ve gone for a run! If you’re an iphone person then airpods are the way to go, or beats for those in the android camp. And if you’re worried about them staying in (although, those brands really should stay in place!) there are plenty of other options that offer a more secure fit - such as those that loop over your ear or the OGs that have a regular headband (just make sure you get the wireless version!).

As for smart bottles, we admit they’re more of a want than a need, but they WILL remind you to drink more water. It’s definitely worth investing in one if you tend not to get your recommended daily water intake (at the very minimum!).

How to Choose the Right Fitness Tech For You

When picking out what fitness tech you need, think about what you want to achieve and what fits your lifestyle. Here are some tips that have worked for us:

  • Identify Your Goals: Are you looking to get fit, lose weight, or improve your overall health? Knowing what your goals are will help you to find out what you need to achieve them.
  • Consider Your Budget: Don’t put yourself under pressure financially. Start with what you can afford and upgrade later if needed.
  • Check Compatibility: Make sure the tech works with your other devices and apps. For example, if you’re getting headphones/earbuds make sure they’ll work with your phone.
  • Ease of Use: Look for user-friendly gadgets, especially if you’re new to fitness tech.If you start with what we’ve listed here you won’t go wrong!

Getting Started with Your New Fitness Tech

Far too many people get all motivated and buy new fitness products only to leave them collecting dust in the corner. Don’t be that person! You’ve made an investment in your health so now is the time to make the most of it. 

  1. Set Up Your Devices: Follow the instructions to get everything up and running - don’t procrastinate!
  2. Integrate into Your Routine: Start using your gadgets during your workouts right away.
  3. Stay Consistent: Use your tech each time you workout.
  4. Be Patient: Remember - progress takes time. Whether you’re trying to lose weight, gain muscle, or simply get fitter, keep track and celebrate every single win along the way.

Adding fitness tech to your workouts can make a huge difference. It can keep you motivated, help you track your progress, and make your workouts more fun and effective. It’s really a no-brainer. The key is in finding the best tech for you.So go ahead, give it a try, and let us know how it goes.

Don’t forget to share this post with friends who might be interested and need a little extra motivation too!