
How to Choose the Right Supplements for Your Health Goals

Not sure what supplement is right for you? We've got you covered!

5 min read

Taking care of our health can feel like a full-time job, we get it. But the right supplements can make it a whole lot easier… and dare we say, fun! Whether you're tired, foggy-headed, or dealing with digestion issues, there’s a supplement to help. There are a whole lot of supplements out there right now and it can get pretty overwhelming when you don’t know where to start. So we’ve broken it down with this guide to our most popular supplements containing all of the information you need to choose the supplement that best suits your needs.

Stay Focused and Alert Throughout the Day

  • NooFocus: When your brain feels foggy and you're struggling to stay alert, NooFocus is a lifesaver. It helps clear mental fog, reduces stress, and boosts your focus. Perfect for those busy days when you need to be at your best but need a helping hand to get there!
  • Liposomal Vitamin B12: Feeling sluggish in the afternoon? Liposomal Vitamin B12 gives you a natural energy boost without the caffeine crash. It supports your metabolism and helps keep you alert and vibrant all day.
  • NAD+: Always feeling tired? NAD+ can help. It boosts your energy at a cellular level, helping you stay sharp and fight fatigue. Ideal for long days when you need to stay on top of your game.

Boost of Energy and Vitality

  • Super Greens: Super Greens provide a natural energy lift without the jitters of caffeine. Packed with nutrients, they support overall wellness and keep your energy steady throughout the day.
  • Liposomal Vitamin B12: Liposomal Vitamin B12 also doubles as an energy booster, revitalizing your metabolism and keeping you active from morning to night.
  • NAD+: NAD+ not only keeps your mind sharp but also boosts your overall energy. It helps you feel youthful and energetic, perfect for combating the effects of aging on both your body and mind.

Build Up Your Immunity

  • Liposomal Curcumin: If you’re getting sick more often than you’d like, your immune system might need a bit of help. Liposomal Curcumin helps to ward off illnesses and keep you feeling 100%. Its potent anti-inflammatory properties not only strengthen your immune defense but also support joint health and reduce chronic inflammation, making it an absolute no-brainer for anyone who suffers from chronic inflammation-induced pain or conditions.
  • ACV Gummies: Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is a natural pathogen fighter, and these gummies are a lot more pleasant to the taste buds than drinking a shot straight from the bottle! This is a convenient snack to help boost your immune defense and improve gut health.

Support Digestive Health

  • Heartburn Relief Kit: Whether you’ve been suffering from acid reflux for months or decades, the Heartburn Relief Kit is the solution you need. This tried and tested kit restores natural stomach acidity to prevent acid reflux and resolve it completely, while also repairing any pre-existing damage. This is one of most long-standing products and the client reviews speak for themselves. If you want to get off PPIs and acid blockers and naturally resolve your symptoms for good, this is the supplement you need to be on. For issues such as gastritis and stomach ulcers, the Acid Relief supplement in this kit can be taken alone for a soothing, healing effect.
  • Digestive Catalyst: Digestive Catalyst is another of our most popular products thanks to its efficacy in reducing the discomfort of bloating and even helping with reflux symptoms alongside the Heartburn Relief Kit.
  • Advanced Probiotic: Many people take a daily probiotic for life and for good reason. Having a balanced gut microbiome can prevent a multitude of digestive issues! Our Advanced Probiotic really levels up with 50 billion live cultures and 11 probiotic strains to support a diverse gut ecosystem, aid digestion, and prevent bloating. It’s the ideal maintenance supplement to support a healthy digestive system.
  • Detox Cleanse: It’s super important to eliminate toxins to support optimal gut function and Detox Cleanse does exactly what it says on the tin. It helps purge those harmful toxins from your system, alleviating issues like bloating and irregularity. For an added boost, the Gut Reset Kit combines this supplement with the Advanced Probiotic to really get your gut back in good shape.

Weight Management

  • ACV Gummies: Studies suggest that ACV can aid weight loss by promoting feelings of fullness, reducing calorie intake, and boosting metabolism. ACV Gummies make it easier to incorporate this weight management support into your lifestyle by offering a tasty and convenient alternative to liquid ACV.

Look & Feel Your Best As You Age

  • Liposomal Glutathione: Liposomal Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that fights wrinkles and age spots, promoting clear, firm skin. When added to your daily routine, it can help to protect your skin and promote a more youthful appearance to reduce the signs of aging. It’s also packed full of antioxidants to support your overall physical health, so you can look and feel good from the inside out.
  • NAD+: NAD+ keeps popping up here and for good reason; it has a multitude of overlapping benefits with more and more research coming out as time goes on. This supplement isn’t just for energy; it also supports healthy aging. It helps with DNA repair and boosts cellular health so that you can maintain that youthful vibrancy we all want. It’s a great supplement when taken daily to combat the signs of aging and keep your cells functioning at their best.

Keep Your Heart Healthy

  • Liposomal Vitamin D3+K2: Your heart works hard to keep things ticking over (so to speak!) and adding some Liposomal Vitamin D3+K2 to your diet is a great way to give it back some love. Not only does this supplement support your cardiovascular system, but it also supports bone health and boosts your mood.
  • Liposomal Curcumin: Liposomal Curcumin isn’t just great for inflammation; it also supports heart health. It helps to keep your heart healthy by reducing inflammation and supporting overall cardiovascular function by improving blood flow.

Better Sleep, Mood, and Relaxation

  • Fast Asleep: Struggling to nod off when bedtime rolls around? Fast Asleep can help you to get that much-needed deep sleep so you wake up ready to start the day rather than wanting to throttle the alarm clock! It also helps relax your muscles and reduce stress which is definitely an added bonus.
  • Liposomal Magnesium: If you're constantly feeling stressed and tense, Liposomal Magnesium could really help you to get some relief. This natural calming solution helps relax your muscles, which is incredibly helpful if you suffer from restless legs keeping you awake at night. Once you get a good night’s sleep with a few drops a night, you’ll feel much calmer and relaxed when morning rolls around.
  • NAD+A 2022 report found that 3 in 5 adults worldwide reported that stress impacted their daily lives at least once in the previous year. If you find yourself in this category, it's important to understand how NAD+ can help. By stimulating the production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and diminishing stress-related hormones like cortisol, NAD+ therapy can profoundly benefit your emotional well-being. Whether you're supplementing it with your current medication or exploring new options, it's certainly worth considering.

Easing Joint & Muscle Discomfort

  • Liposomal Curcumin: It's no surprise that this natural anti-inflammatory that can help to reduce pain and stiffness associated. Especially when it comes to conditions such as arthritis and other chronic pain issues.
  • Liposomal Magnesium: This supplement is perfect for relieving muscle tension and pain. It helps relax your muscles, reducing aches and spasms and helping to ease the discomfort of restless legs syndrome - which also makes it a great sleep aid, as noted earlier.

Performance Enhancement

  • Liposomal Glutathione: If you want to amp up your performance in the weights room or the running track, this is the supplement you need in your kit. This powerful antioxidant that helps reduce oxidative stress to enhance your stamina and speed up recovery. Studies have shown its proven effects on reducing muscle fatigue to support your overall physical performance.
  • NAD+: In addition to the energy boost of NAD+, its cellular repair functions also help you to recover faster with less post-workout fatigue. Regular usage can help you bounce back quicker from intense workouts so that you can avoid injuries and stay on track with your goals.
  • Liposomal Magnesium: Alongside its many benefits, this supplement returns to help your muscles recover faster after a strenuous workout. It alleviates muscle tension, supports nerve function, and helps your muscles recover faster.
  • Super Greens: A shot of Super Greens provides the essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants your body needs to perform at its best. By ensuring your dietary needs are met, you can keep your energy steady throughout the day and avoid any crashes that tempt you to reach for a sugary snack.

So Which Supplement is Best for You? We Can Help.

Choosing the right supplements can make a big difference in how you feel every day. Whether you need more energy, better digestion, a stronger immune system, or heart support, there's a supplement out there for you. Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of the benefits to help you decide which is right for you! However, if you do need a little help in fighting it all out, we’re right here if you need us. Just send us a direct message on Facebook Messenger for a free 1:1 consultation with any questions you have, and we’ll get right back to you.