Shannon's Inspiring Recovery After 2 Years of GERD
Shannon puts her doubts aside to try the Heartburn Relief Kit... and here's how it went.
Our lovely client Shannon is doing great on the Heartburn Relief Kit and finally breaking free from living a life with acid reflux.
Shannon started getting acid reflux symptoms around 2 years ago after a bad attack of heartburn landed her in the doctor’s office.
It took a 4-hour wait in excruciating pain for Shannon to get a diagnosis of GERD. The doctor prescribed PPIs (proton pump inhibitors) which she didn’t get any relief from for another 4 hours.
From then on, her symptoms progressed to include gas and bloating, which is a VERY common sign of low stomach acid – the opposite of what the PPIs were treating.
Many people with acid reflux will have a few different things going on with their gut at once that are more interconnected than you think. Shannon had been experiencing a “funny tummy” and bowel irregularities for about 8 years before the acid reflux started, which all seemed to kick off after she came off a course of antidepressants – although she can’t be sure that was at the root of it. Constipation and bloating issues are something we see a lot in clients with acid reflux because when stomach acid is too low to digest food properly it takes a lot longer to move through the digestive system. And, if you’re reading this, you likely already know that this low stomach acid also causes the LES to stop functioning properly and remain open – leading to acid reflux. It’s a double whammy and not a very nice one to experience.
Despite following a very healthy and organic-based diet, a simple meal for Shannon meant an onset of pain, burping, and acid reflux. Espresso coffee was one of Shannon’s favorite indulgences that became a ‘no go’ as drinking it caused what she describes as “immediate pain and pressure” in her chest just under her sternum. It was so difficult to pinpoint when these symptoms would occur that she began to lose weight and grew weary of eating anything at all. But she soon became so used to living with these symptoms daily that she almost forgot what it was like to live without them.
The Decision Process and What Happened Next
When Shannon first found us she admits she was a little uncertain but felt she had no other option left to try. Luckily she fully committed herself to give the Heartburn Relief Kit a proper go and is now safely coming out the other side. With proper meals back on the menu, hard-boiled eggs are her only remaining trigger food. “Trigger” foods that set off acid reflux symptoms are something we get asked about a LOT. As you can see from Shannon’s case they really do vary from person to person. We recommend keeping a daily food diary to track your food intake and symptoms and cut out anything that’s causing an issue. Once you have your acid reflux under control and have consistent relief, you can start adding those foods back in again one by one.
“I am so pleased to have found Terra Health. At first I was suspicious of the online promo, but eventually I felt I had no other option so I ‘surrendered’ and went in boots and all. So glad I did.”
When asked what advice she would give to anyone starting the Heartburn Relief Kit, she advised that this is not a quick fix and it’s important to be patient and experiment with doses to get things moving in the right direction. In Shannon’s experience, her “improvement was fast”. She had relief about 4 weeks into the program. Shanno recommends following directives on how to take the supplements and remembering that everyone is different; so whilst it’s great to have the support of other people on the program you should always reach out to our consultants on Facebook messenger directly if you need 1:1 guidance.